A Tale of Two Brothers

Bob and Dave were two brothers who found themselves stuck in an overweight hell. They had both packed on 15kgs during the Covid lockdowns so they decided to set a 12-month challenge to lose it all.

At first, Bob was eager to take the plunge: he wanted to eat whatever he wanted and just workout hard every day until the weight magically melted away. But Dave wasn’t so sure about that approach. He had heard of something called a “calorie deficit” which meant eating fewer calories than you burn each day to create a calorie deficit—and ultimately lose weight.

So Dave opted for this method instead: Eating high-nutrient-dense food with lower calories, increasing his protein intake, and working out three times a week. It seemed like a much more sensible plan than Bob's!

As you might have guessed, Bob's approach didn't work at all—you can't out-train a poor diet! He ended up getting injured from overworking himself too hard, his health deteriorated due to his poor food choices, his energy was lacking and his motivation waned and so after only 4 months into the challenge with no serious results to show, Bob gave up.

On the other hand, Dave was having much more success with his approach: The weight came off slowly but steadily over time (which is actually better than rapid results!), he felt invigorated by exercising regularly again, and most importantly his confidence soared as he noticed how much healthier he looked overall! After 8 months of consistently following this routine, Dave finally reached his goal of losing 15kgs!

Meanwhile, Bob had given up completely…but seeing Dave's results gave him newfound motivation. So one year later (exactly!) -he picked himself back up again determined not to give up this time; using what worked for Dave as inspiration...

The moral of this story? You can’t out-train bad eating habits no matter how hard you work out – Dave's balanced approach ultimately paid off while Bob's failed miserably!

Suburban Fitness encourages its members to strive for a balanced and healthy lifestyle, not just in terms of physical fitness but also in food. After all, achieving the body you want is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise! So what are you waiting for? Take control of your health today and sign up for our group classes with our 14-day free trial.

*This is a work of fiction, no names were changed to protect identities and no one called Bob or Dave were harmed

during the creation of this content


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